Language Development Milestones 8-9 Years
In children 8-9 years, grammar knowledge is complete and children are also better at thinking about language and how it is organized and relates to itself.
Synonyms, categorization, and figurative language are among their newest language skills.
By 3rd grade, children’s academic, phonological, and language skills should be good enough to allow them to “read and write” to learn new information.
Socially, children at this age become more responsible. They are much more like “little adults.”
Speech and language development growth charts can help you track your child’s progress and make sure they are meeting every milestone.
3RD GRADE (8-9 Years)
Expressive Language / What the Child Says
Uses most parts of speech, all grammar is acquired
Exceptions to grammatical rules are mastered
Uses and understands passive sentences
Uses clear and specific vocabulary in conversation and discussions
Uses subject related vocabulary
Asks/answers factual and inferential questions
Explains what has been learned
Uses a variety of words, not just the same ones over and over
Gives synonyms and categories in word definitions (7-9 years)
Production of figurative language increases (7-9 years) – Examples: “Don’t let the cat out of the bag.” “It is raining cats and dogs.”
Begins to understand jokes and riddles based on sound similarities (7-9 years) – Example: “What kind of shows to cows like to watch?” “Moo-sicals”
Receptive Language / What the Child Understands
Listens attentively in group situations
Follows 4-step and higher directions
Understands direction words
Demonstrates understanding of grade level content material
Narrative Development
Complex Episodes / Multiple Episodes
Narratives have a theme, character, plot, logically sequenced, temporally ordered, initiating even, action, consequences, emotion, and resolution. Contain at least 5 story grammar elements (example: setting, characters)
Summarizes a story accurately
Fully understands basic phonic patterns
Uses word analysis skills when reading
Re-reads and corrects errors when necessary
Predicts and justifies what will happen next
Compares and contrasts
Asks and answers questions about the reading material
Use acquired information to learn about new topics
Read grade level books fluently
Uses clues from language content and structure to help in understanding what is read
Reads 100 words per minute
Reads 300 sight words
Plans, organizes, revises, and edits
Includes details in writing
Writes stories, letters, simple explanations, and brief reports
Spells simple words correctly, corrects most spelling independently or with a dictionary for help
Cursive writing is written clearly
Opens and closes conversations appropriately
Stays on topic, takes turns, and uses eye contact during conversation
Clarifies and explains words and ideas when conversation breaks down, gives background information or definitions of words
Uses language to inform, persuade, and entertain
Ability to take others’ perspectives increases which also increases the ability to persuade (7-9 years)
Uses language to establish and maintain social status (7-9 years)
50 Hazelwood Drive, Jericho NY 11753
Audiologist, Speech Language Pathologist, Speech Therapy, Hearing Aids, Hearing Loss Treatments for Adults and Children